
What You Need to Know About the Marchman Act and the Baker Act

In today’s society, people are struggling with severe mental health problems and addictions. And some family members do not know where to find help when one of them gets trapped in the web of addiction. But if you get informed about the Marchman act vs. Baker act for drug treatment, you’ll know how to help your loved one.

First, you must understand that addiction makes the victim believe they are doing great and don’t need any help. This makes them resist treatment. But thanks to the marchman act and the baker act, things can take a turnaround. These acts are meant to keep addicts and their family members safe. That’s because addiction poses a threat both to the victim and those around them. But with these two acts, anyone who is into drugs can get help and lead a sober life.

Let’s discuss the difference between Marchman Act and Baker Act

Differentiating the Marchman Act with the Baker Act

The Marchman Act and the Baker Act are but the same thing. However, they are applied in different situations. Both acts allow forced treatment for Florida citizens whose addiction may have pushed them to become a threat to others and themselves. According to these acts, a person can be put into custody for about 72 hours for forced substance abuse or mental health assessment. Essentially, the Marchman Act mainly deals with substance abuse victims while Baker Act concentrates on mental health issues.

But there is a criterion to be followed according to both acts. Its as follows;

Baker Act;

  •         The person who rejects the examination is not in a condition to determine if they need help or not.
  •         Poses a threat to themselves and others due to mental health issues
  •         Neglects self and can no longer maintain personal hygiene or even clothe well.

Marchman Act

  •         The person does not understand that they need help from substance abuse
  •         They become a threat to themselves and the people around them due to substance abuse.

When you understand how these acts work, you can help your loved one seek treatment. Addiction is a critical illness that calls for immediate attention since it clouds the judgment of the addict, causing them to be dangerous and irrational. At times addiction may lead to mental health problems.

To help your loved one, you need to learn to separate the addiction or mental issue from the person because if you don’t, you’ll find them irritating. But if you handle them without being judgemental, you’ll help them recover and get back on track as soon as possible. You also need to be very patient. Seek help from psychiatric nurses, law enforcers, and physicians to help you with Marchman Act or Baker Act.

What Next after Marchman Act or Baker Act

If, after fulfilling the criteria for addiction and mental condition assessment, it’s confirmed that indeed the victim needs help, the individual may be enrolled in a Florida rehabilitation or addiction treatment facility under the two acts.

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